Kamis, 08 Desember 2016

Order Letter and Complaint Letter

1. Order Letter

A letter that acknowledges the receipt of order from buyer is known to be order confirmation letter. It is a letter that tells the buyer (Sender) that the order has not been lost, misplaced or stolen and also indicates that proper steps are being taken to satisfy the buyer, sometimes if there is any delay for shipment according to order placed, the reason is also communicated to buyer through such letter.
Order confirmation letter must express the seller’s pleasure and gratitude must appreciate buyer’s interest in the goods and must be a medium of mentioning the favorable aspects of the goods, terms and other services. Such a draft will create a psychological value upon the goods and services to be shipped.
Acknowledgment through-such letter provides a legal acceptance of all the points mentioned in the order. Hence, the order must be read carefully before accepting and acknowledging it.


Seven Siblings Limited 
17 Sweet Road, West Bandung Tlp. 022-8765432 Post Code 41134

July 9, 2013
Purchase Order

Toko Englet
11 Main Street
San Fransisco, USA
ZIP CODE 91234

Attention : Miss Kim Jackson

Dear Miss Jackson :
Please accept this purchase order for the following :

No. Product Quantity Unit Price Total
1 Single Brush Polisher Colombia 400 4 $ 3,000 $ 12,000
2 Extractor SX 144 4 $ 2,000 $ 8,000
Total $ 20,000

We require shipment by August 17, 2013 to :

PT Pama
No. 1 Jl. Cileungsi,

Bogor, Indonesia
Post Code 40156

Please refer to this order as "purchase order # SS01234. Should you need more information, please contact me at 62-22-756756 at your earliest convenience or email me at siblings@seven.com.


Dede Prana
Purchasing Manager

2. Complaint Letter

A Complaint letter is a request for an adjustment. In other words, it is a letter that describes about the damage; errors or mistakes happened to the delivered goods and therefore claims for compensation is known to be a complaint letter.
In modern age, the chain of business is not limited within the boundary of country. As business is expanding, its complexities are also increasing. So, mistake or fault is not a strange matter in the arena of business. There may be wrong delivery of goods shipment of obsolete, poor quality or underweight goods, faulty packing, delivery after the specified date and other damages to the goods shipped. In the above cases, buyer is supposed to suffer financial loss and therefore he has every reason to complaint to the seller demanding compensation. Hence a letter is used to serve such purpose is called complaint letter.
To draft such a letter, buyer must have valid grounds to explain that he has suffered financial loss or otherwise there will be misunderstanding which may damage business relation buyer requires special care with the art of convincing the seller. Clarity and courtesy are the important factors to write a letter of complaint. The complaint should be made politely without showing any sign of anger.
Causes of Drafting Complaint Letter or, Sources of Mistakes giving rise to Complaints
The following are usual causes for which a complaint letter is drafted:
1.      Problem with the delivered goods: If the goods that are delivered are :
·         Under weight,
·         Obsolete,
·         Defective,
·         Incomplete,
·         Not according to buyer’s specification such as color, brand, size etc.
·         Wrong or poor quality; then buyer can make a claim to the seller for the mistake.
2.      Pricing: If there is any mistake in preparing the invoice of the shipped goods, then such letter is written.
3.      Packing: Faulty or poor packing of the goods causes damage to the goods which can be claimed to the seller.
4.      Transport: Goods are supposed to be shipped according to convenience of the buyer. But if wrong carrier is used it may call for writing such letter.
5.      Terms & Condition: If the terms and condition of business are violated by the seller then such a letter is placed.
6.      Faulty Insurance: If insurance coverage is not made properly according to instruction of the buyer, then there may be claim through complaint letter.

Example :

American Textile Ltd
555 Main Street
Springfield, OH 45321
(513) 683-8111

September 29, 2010

Caribbean Textile, Inc
5220 West 22nd Street
Newyork, Y 10062

Dear Sir :

We hereby inform you that we have received the goods we ordered in a timely manner. However, after we checked, there were several items that are not in accordance with our orders and some others were damaged. This causes delays in delivery of goods to our customers so that they feel disappointed with the delay and switch to another company. This is totally unacceptable and could damage our reputation.

Therefore, we hope that you are willing to re-examine the item and immediately replaced the damaged goods. We do not want this incident to happen again to avoid disappointment to all parties in future.

We look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.


Paul Green
Purchasing Manager


CV Indah Pertmata 75
Jl. Muara Kerang
Irian Jaya, Jaya Pura 20001

Dear Sir,
We are very sorry that the shipment of goods No. 34P  that you received on Nov 11, 2016 was defective. We understand your disappointment and appreciate the inconvenience this must have caused your organization and the logistics problems that ensued.

There is no question that the product we shipped did not meet the very high standards our customers have come to expect and should continue to demand.

In our effort to improve the overall quality of our products, we used a new composite material for your order. We have since returned to the original recipe and can assure you that we are in the process of completing more thorough testing and development.
I can promise you that the highest quality standards will be met in the future because protecting our reputation for delivering the best product on the market is a key priority for us. Again, I apologize for our mistake and regret any inconvenience caused as a result.

We have already brought in additional staff to expedite the production of a replacement order and guarantee its delivery by the end of this week. We have also asked our shippers to pick up the defective product prior to delivery of the new shipment, in order to free up your warehouse space.

We look forward to continuing the mutually beneficial relationship that our two companies have shared over the last two years.

If there is anything else that we can do to minimize your inconvenience in regard to this matter, please don't hesitate to contact us.

PT. Binaman

ssource :


Selasa, 01 November 2016

Inquiry Letter

Inquiry letter
The meaning of inquiry letter
Inquiry letter is a letters that are written for collecting information about job seekers, prices, products, and services before awarding jobs, granting credit, making contracts and giving promotions are known as letters of inquiry. These letters are written to a third party seeking information about either a job or a company that wishes to make business relationship.
Prospective employers and business organizations usually write inquiry letters for obtaining desired information. Prospective employers write this letter to the referees mentioned in the job application to obtain information about the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc. on the other hand, business enterprises write inquiry letters to third parties referred by the customers to know about their business dealings, financial capabilities and goodwill to determine whether to establish business relationships with those enterprises.

Types of inquiry letter
Based on purpose, there are two most common types of inquiry letters such as (1) personal status inquiry letter and (2) business status inquiry letter.
Ø  Personal status inquiry letter: The letters that are written by prospective employers for obtaining information about job applicants are called personal status inquiry letter. Employers write this letter to obtain information relating to the applicant’s personal and family background, ability, skills, honesty, character, integrity, quality of performance, fitness for job etc. generally this letter is written to the referees mentioned by the concerned applicant. In response to this letter, the referees write a reply letter to the employer. This response letter may be favorable, unfavorable or neutral to the applicant.

Ø  Business status inquiry letter: When a business enterprise writes letter to another business enterprise for collecting information about a prospective customer, it is known as business status inquiry letter. This letter is usually written for collecting information about financial capability, goodwill, nature of business dealings, honesty etc. of a business enterprise to determine whether to establish business transactions with it. Responses of this letter may be either favorable or unfavorable.


Why to Write a Letter of Inquiry
A letter of inquiry is a good way to connect with a company.
Because the letter is unsolicited, sending it shows that you're proactive, and have a genuine interest in the company. As well as inquiring about open or upcoming positions, a letter of inquiry can also be used to set up an information interview with human resources or higher level employees.
While the company may not be hiring currently, or may not have a job posted that is appropriate for you, a letter of inquiry will help you be on the company's radar when opportunities that are suitable for you arise.
Finding a Contact
It's best to be able to address your letter of inquiry to someone specific, rather than having a generic greeting such as "Dear Sir or Madam" or "To Whom It May Concern." Check with your friends, family, and network to see if you know anyone at the company.
LinkedIn can be helpful for tracking down connections, as well as providing you with a communication method. See more tips for how to find contacts at a company.
You can send a letter of inquiry to people in the human resources department, or to manager-level contact in the department you'd ideally like to work in.
What to Include in Your Job Inquiry Letter
Inquiry letters should contain information on why the company interests you, and how and why your skills and experience would be an asset to the company.
Politeness and brevity are key when it comes to writing a letter of inquiry — remember, you're aiming to make a good impression, and show that you'd be an asset to the company. Follow the same tone and guidelines you'd use if you were writing a cover letter for an advertised job.
Unlike a cover letter, you can't use the job description to determine which qualifications and experience to highlight. Instead, emphasize how your skills and experience would be helpful to the company overall. Use the letter of inquiry to sell yourself, putting a spotlight on the strengths you'd offer the company, and why the company's mission and goals appeal to you.
How to Send a Job Inquiry Letter
Inquiry letters can be sent via mail or email. However, because you are asking about employment opportunities with a company rather than for a specific job opening, a mailed paper letter can make a much better impression than an email message which may not be opened or read.

Example of inquiry letter

Street Harapan Indah No. 06

oct 16, 2016
Street Cipinang No. 26
Jakarta Timur

Dear Sir or Madam,
When we attended the International Electronics Trade Fair in Grand Galaxy Bekasi last month, we visited your stand and saw a very interesting demonstration of your automatic high-security garage doors. The ability to drive straight in and out of your garage from the comfort of your car, as well as your emphasis on theft protection appealed to us. We believe that there is a ready market for this in the Indonesia.
Our company is a wholly owned subsidiary of the international Zetax Corporation, well-known in the security and theft prevention industry.
Would you please send us your current sales literature and price list? Of course, we will be glad to provide the usual credit and trade reverences if we decide to order from your company.

Marketing Director
Muhammad Fadil

Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

Tugas E-commerce

                                                            SEJARAH TRAVELOKA
Ferry Unardi pendiri Traveloka.com di tahun 2012. Kehadiran Traveloka menjawab kebutuhan masyarakat atas proses pemesanan tiket yang mudah dan praktis.
Berdirinya Traveloka berawal dari pengalaman pribadi pria kelahiran Padang, 16 Januari 1968 ini. Merasa kesulitan dalam mencari tiket pesawat tujuan Padang dari Indianapolis, Amerika Serikat. Kemudian menjadi peluang usaha untuk menyediakan jasa Online Travel Agent. Ferry ingin membuka usaha yang dapat memberikan kemudahan perjalanan yang sesuai kebutuhan konsumen. Dibantu dengan dua rekannya saat bekerja di Microsoft, Derianto Kusuma dan Albert, maka lahirlah Traveloka.com.
Pria lulusan Purdue University ini membutuhkan waktu sekitar 6 bulan dalam membangun agen perjalanannya. Awalnya, travel online ini  bergerak dengan skala bisnis kecil sebagai mesin pencari tiket pesawat dan dan reservasi hotel. Saat internet di Indonesia sedang berkembang, rintisan usahanya mulai dilirik banyak orang. Dalam kurun waktu beberapa bulan, pelanggannya semakin bertambah dan bisnisnya semakin berkembang.
Meskipun begitu dalam merintis usahanya, dia juga menemukan kendala dalam memperoleh kepercayaan. Semua dilaluinya dengan memberikan pelayanan terbaik dan sifat optimisnya. Kendala yang masih dirasakannya saat ini adalah banyak maskapai yang belum bisa menyediakan tiket dalam jumlah besar, tetapi menurutnya semua dapat diatasi siring perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan informasi di Indonesia.
Saat ini Traveloka didukung oleh 144 tenaga professional ahli dengan latar pendidikan dari dalam dan luar negeri. Dengan begitu mereka semakin mampu menciptakan berbagai inovasi mengembangkan pelayanan sehingga semakin baik. Agar masyarakat semakin mengenal Traveloka, Ferry sedang gencar melancarkan promosi dan marketing, menggunakan jejaring sosial seperti Website dan Twitter dan media televisi.
Situs ini sudah diakses oleh lebih dari 150.000 kunjungan dan berhasil menjual puluhan ribu tiket setiap harinya. Traveloka berhasil unggul dan menjadi situs booking pesawat nomor satu di Indonesia dengan berbagai tawaran yang menarik. Diantaranya adalah memberikan pilihan harga tanpa membebankan biaya transasksi kepada konsumen, pelayanan 24 jam melalui email, telepon dan media sosial dan metode pembayaran yang beragam sehingga memudahkan customer. Fokus dari Traveloka saat ini adalah mempertahankan dan membesarkan bisnis agen perjalanan dengan membuat desain web semenarik mungkin sehingga lebih mudah dipahami oleh konsumen.
Sekian dulu ya, semoga bermanfaat dan terima kasih.
Referensi :